Exotic Beauties

By Andrea Pavee

A popular and ecologically friendly gift, which is all the rage now, is the Phalaenopsis orchid. These beauties come in a rainbow of colours and while pleasing to the eye, can be a little hard on the pocket.

As a child, I grew up around orchids in my godmother’s home.

She had rows and rows of them, roots wrapped around wooden poles, or hanging on tree branches in square, wooden pots, throughout her home, their roots wrapped snuggly around charcoal. They grew tall and beautiful, from all the fussing and care she took with them. Since they grew atop charcoal, twice daily waterings were the norm.

Back then, gardening was not a hobby of mine, since I was afraid of creepy crawlies. As such, I regret not having chanced the opportunity to learn more about them.

However, all that changed when, with their growing popularity, I was gifted a few over the years.

Sadly, my lack of knowledge saw quite a few of these beauties perish at my hands, making them fit for the compost heap rather than pride of place at home.

When we moved back to our home, I received another 2 pots of these beauties and after all the flowers dropped, we decided to lash the bare plant to the fence, since the leaves were still green, rather than just discard them. They were watered twice daily, with the other plants around them.

Our efforts bore blooms – after a year!

Emboldened by our success, I have added another 2 more orchid plants, giving myself the challenge to mind and care for them. Orchids are, by and large, fussy plants.

Orchid are lovely additions to any home. When looked after with tender, loving care, they can grow both indoors or out. However, with such a steep price attached to these plants, might I suggest starting with a cheaper variety and then making your way up to the more beautiful and exotic variants, growing together as you progress in knowledge and orchid care.


Posted by Chayo, HomSkil Editor 1, 30 March 2024

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